Friday, September 12, 2008

No news is good news

Well, well, I am now an official blogger. Thanks to Ike that is. I imagine we will become best friends before all this is over. BFF for the younger peeps. However, I don' t think I will have any of those reading my blog. Most of this will go to the AARP crowd. Not much is happening here so far. WalMart is closed but Randall's was open for Ed to go get some more things to stock up on. I am not cleaning house, ironing, or making scones. I do have a couple of cans of refried beans and Ed got some flour tortillias (wheat was all that was left) There was no charcoal left at the store, but lighter fluid was available to all. He bought that. Don't exactly know why. I am not asking. I will post every so often as things progress. I have never done this so I hope it works.

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